Harvey Zarren, MD, FACC
33 Hawthorne Road
Swampscott, MA 01907 USA
p: 781-599-4718
e: hzarren@gmail.com
ASCH Approved Consultant
A Wellness Consultation is an extended interview during which Dr. Zarren gathers adequate information to make sense enough of a patient's condition so that he can help the patient make sense of the condition. Initial sessions generally last 3-5 hours.
Dr. Zarren may have suggestions, based on the history, about nutrition, lifestyle, and other useful interventions for a patient and/or their caregivers. Dr. Zarren believes that a person needs to be convinced to take on a nutrition and/or lifestyle change, in order for the changes to be sustained and effective. Dependent on the initial intake, and with a patient's agreement, Dr. Zarren may also use Clinical Hypnosis, taught to the patient, to change body biology, in order to help change a patient's condition.
Follow-up sessions generally last 1.5-2 hours.
Goals of a Wellness Consult include: